Making B2B Lead Conversion Easy.
We help B2B companies capture high-intent leads without costly campaigns.
Our Value First approach consistently generates the highest lead-to-sale ratio.
Transform your sales team from callers to closers.
Why does modern Lead Generation require a different approach?
Buyer behavior has changed.
Lead Generation used to be simple. Marketers created and launched outbound campaigns and waited for the leads to roll in. However, as the volume of information has exploded, prospective customers can easily get most of the information they need without ever contacting you…even pricing.
Self-Service “Pricing” is the new content King.
When you’re focused on finding and engaging prospects with high buying intent, you need the right offer to compel them to take action on your website. Typical calls-to-action like whitepapers and webinars are weak and ineffective. Pricing, according to MECLABs, is the content King because it appeals to high-intent buyers.
What B2B Buyers really want from a website:
(Study of 1,000 B2B Buyers courtesy of MECLABS and Enquiro)
Our Story was founded in 2010 by Dale Underwood. Mr. Underwood had previously co-founded Marzik Inc., an Enterprise IT reseller. During his time at Marzik, Mr. Underwood realized customers were using the internet to research solutions while only contacting Marzik at the time of purchase, negatively affecting profit margins.
With sales margins dropping, Mr. Underwood sold his share in Marzik and started to address two very important sales killers in the B2B market:
- B2B buyers will do anything to avoid unwanted sales attention in the early stages of their projects, even search for pricing on their own
- Most companies produce a negligible ROI from their online marketing efforts (an average of 4% conversion rate), missing valuable opportunities – Capture high-intent, sales ready leads
Our Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) product,, captures more sales qualified leads (SQLs) directly from a company’s website using a customer’s curiosity about pricing.