We turn “How much does it cost?” curiosity
into Sales Conversations
into Sales Conversations
Have you ever been frustrated trying to get ballpark pricing from a B2B website? Did you fill out the Request-a-Quote form? Nope! You weren’t ready to talk to Sales and didn’t want the hassle. They lost your business and never even knew it.
The problem is, most Request-a-Quote forms don’t capture enough prospects.

How much money is your Request-a-Quote form
costing you per month?
Solving the Problem of Website Abandonment to Drive New Sales Opportunities
How the SafePrice Sales Sequence Works
- Price Curiosity hook draws in a serious prospect
- Prospect submits SafePrice.io request
- 2-Minute request review by Sales to qualify prospect
- If approved, pricing is sent creating moment of trust
- Sales follows-up to build value and shape requirements
- Result is a high-margin sale

A New Sales Conversation Begins in Less Than 5 Minutes
“Thanks for the Pricing”
“You’re welcome. How can we help?”